How to build Flutter project with Android aar file?


I want to use Flutter to create an Android app which depends on a third-party SDK that wrapped in an aar file. So far, I have only found the article Accessing Platform and Third-Party Services in Flutter. It seems that I have to build the Flutter project with additional Java files using Android Studio. This is complicated and not what I want. Is there any way to directly load aar files or *.so files in Dart code? Something like how JNI works.


After learning the Flutter example - hello services, I have successfully built my Flutter project with aar file.

Basic Steps:

  1. Download the Flutter source code.
  2. Open flutter/examples/hello_services/android in Android Studio.
  3. Click File > New > New Module and choose Import .JAR/.AAR Package.
  4. Press F4 to open Project Structure, and then add the dependent module.
  5. Write Java code to invoke APIs that defined in aar file.
  6. Import flutter/examples/hello_services to Intellij IDEA.
  7. Build and run the Flutter app.

I've pushed the source code to GitHub.

Collected from the Internet

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