How to import a .aar file into Android Studio 1.1.0 and use it in my code


I have read a lot answers related to this topic, but none of them have worked to solve my problem, so need help with this:

I need to import a .aar file into a project created with Android Studio 1.1.0, I have imported it using the "New Module" option and actually I don't receive any error, I can build the application and run it, but when I try to use a class from this .aar file Android Studio doesn´t find the reference to it, let's say it can´t recognize the package that I want to include in my code.

You are maybe thinking that I must add the dependency, I have already done that, It seems to not work.

So someone could tell me which is the correct way to import and use a .aar file in Android Studio 1.1.0


After reading a lot of answers on Stackoverflow, I found the solution for my problem, I want you to know which were the steps I followed in order to reproduce it:

  1. Add a .aar file in my libs folder.
  2. Use "New Module" option under File menu.
  3. Import the .aar file.
  4. Build gradle and compile the project.

When I tried to use the new module in my app, It didn't recognize any class inside the new module.

The problem is related to the version of Gradle, I was using 1.1.0 and there is a bug in this version, so my suggestion is to change the version to 1.0.1, there is an Issue already open in order to fix this problem

You should change the version in the build.gradle file located in the root of your project.

buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {

    //classpath ''
    classpath ''

    // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
    // in the individual module build.gradle files


You can find additional information about this problem here!topic/adt-dev/1Ho_c8dALQQ

I guess in version 1.2.0 this problem will be solved.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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