What is @ for in git command?

Mat Watershed

I came across a git expression, git show master@{3} and I have no idea what it's for and how to use it. I get it what is git show for but the puzzling part here is the @{3}. In my repo I did try this command, and terminal said fatal: Log for 'master' only has 1 entries., so couldn't figure it out from the message.
Could you anyone explain that for me and why I got this specific error. Thanks a ton.


See git help revisions for help.

@ alone is a shortcut for HEAD.

HEAD is explained in the same document:

HEAD names the commit on which you based the changes in the working tree.

And the curly brackets are described there, too:

@{<n>}, e.g. @{1}

You can use the @ construct with an empty ref part to get at a reflog entry of the current branch. For example, if you are on branch blabla then @{1} means the same as blabla@{1}.

So, @{3} points to the third prior reflog value from the entry of the current branch.

Collected from the Internet

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