Finding the difference between the consecutive lines within group in R


I am new to R. I have a data frame like following:

group start end
    A  34   77
    A  100  140
    A  185  246 
    B  60    98
    B  146   186 
    C  250   315
    C  411   489
    C  510   550
    C  601   662

I would like to find the difference between the consecutive lines as follows:

group start end 
    A  78  99
    A  141 184
    B  99  145
    C  316 410
    C  490 509
    C  551 600

Any little help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance


We can try with data.table

setDT(df1)[,.(start = (start+end - start +1)[-.N], 
           end = (end +shift(start, type='lead')-end-1)[-.N] ) , by = group]  
#   group start end
#1:     A    78  99
#2:     A   141 184
#3:     B    99 145
#4:     C   316 410
#5:     C   490 509
#6:     C   551 600

Collected from the Internet

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