How to convert a list of strings to list of dictionaries in python?

Juan Antonio Clavero Garcia

I have a string with format:

["('colA':'datA1', 'colB':'datB1', 'colC':'datC1')",
 "('colA':'datA2', 'colB':'datB2', 'colC':'datC2')",
 "('colA':'datAn', 'colB':'datBn', 'colC':'datCn')]

And i need to obtain a dict:

[{'colA': 'datA1', 'colB': 'datB1', 'colC': 'datC1'},
 {'colA': 'datA2', 'colB': 'datB2', 'colC': 'datC2'},
 {'colA': 'datAn', 'colB': 'datBn', 'colC': 'datCn'}]

If possible I need to do it with Python's own functions or at least without using loops, but I do not know if this is possible.


As @nexus66 suggested, here's a more streamlined version of that answer:

l = ["('colA':'datA1', 'colB':'datB1', 'colC':'datC1')",
 "('colA':'datA2', 'colB':'datB2', 'colC':'datC2')",
 "('colA':'datAn', 'colB':'datBn', 'colC':'datCn')"]
result = [dict(
               item.replace("'", '').split(':')
               for item in s[1:-1].split(', ')
          for s in l]

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