Convert a list to list of dictionaries in Python 3


I have a dictionary in Python as follows:

result = {"name":"testipgroup",
          "ips": ["",""],
          "team_name": "avengers"}

The output I need is in this format :

result = {"name":"testipgroup",
          "ips": [{"name":"IP_10.1.1.7", "value":""}],
          "team_name": "avengers"}

My implementation involves popping the 'ips' list from the result dict, iterating over the list, doing transformations and then appending the new list of dicts to the result dict as follows:

a = result.pop("ips")
result["ips"] = []
for item in a:
    ip_dict = {}
    ip_dict.update({"name": "IP_" + str(item), "value": str(item)})

Is there a cleaner way of doing this without popping and creating a new array and doing this directly on the result dict


You can use list comprehension:

result['ips'] = [{'name': 'IP_' + i, 'value': i} for i in result['ips']]

result would become:

{'name': 'testipgroup', 'ips': [{'name': 'IP_10.1.1.7', 'value': ''}, {'name': 'IP_10.1.1.8', 'value': ''}], 'team_name': 'avengers'}

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