ASP.NET Core remove cache entry at a given time

        ProducaoRegisto cachedRecord;
        // Look for cache key.
        if (!_cache.TryGetValue(CustomCacheEntries.RecordStatus, out cachedRecord))
            // Key not in cache, so get data.
            cachedRecord = _producaoRegistoService.GetActivityStatusById(registoId);

            // Set cache options.
            var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
                // Keep in cache for this time, reset time if accessed.

            // Save data in cache.
            _cache.Set(cachedRecord, CustomCacheEntries.RecordStatus);                

I would like to invalidate this cached entry at 3 specific times.

6:58 14:58 22:58,

or basically every 8hours starting at 6:58

Is this possible?


I guess this is what you need

static TimeSpan HM(int hour, int minutes) => TimeSpan.FromHours(hour) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes);

static readonly TimeSpan[] spans = new TimeSpan[] { HM(6,58), HM(14,58), HM(22,58) };

static DateTimeOffset GetNext(DateTimeOffset now, IReadOnlyList<TimeSpan> sortedTimes)
    var timeNow = now.TimeOfDay;   
    var next = sortedTimes.Where(s => timeNow < s).FirstOrDefault();
    if (next == default(TimeSpan)) next = sortedTimes[0] + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
    return now.Date + next;   

To find the entry expiration date, call function GetNext with current time and spans.

var next = GetNext(DateTimeOffset.Now, spans);

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