Static Id - ASP.NET Core Distributed Cache Tag Helper

Vetrivel mp

We are using ASP.NET Core Distributed Cache Tag Helper with SQL server.

<distributed-cache name="MyCacheItem1" expires-after="TimeSpan.FromDays(1)">
   <p>Something that will be cached</p>

It stores as below. enter image description here

The problem is that Id column is automatically hashed. we want some meaningful string in Id column. Is it possible?

Vetrivel mp

Thank you @Fei Han. I got clue from your answer.

To store custom string in Id column. Follow the steps.

  1. Implement custom class using IDistributedCacheTagHelperService ( I created like HtmlDistributedCacheTagHelperService)

  2. Inject this custom class in startup. services.AddScoped<IDistributedCacheTagHelperService, HtmlDistributedCacheTagHelperService>();

  3. Copy actual source code of DistributedCacheTagHelperService ( and paste inside HtmlDistributedCacheTagHelperService.

  4. I added custom attribute htmlcache-uniqueid. <distributed-cache name="UniqueName" htmlcache-uniqueid="CustomStringId">

  5. Inside HtmlDistributedCacheTagHelperService class i added below code to get my custom attribute.

     if (output.Attributes != null && output.Attributes.Count > 0 &&
     string.Equals(output.Attributes[0].Name, "htmlcache-uniqueid") && 
     output.Attributes[0].Value != null)
     storageKey = Convert.ToString(output.Attributes[0].Value);
  6. finally you can see id stored in db like below. enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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