I want to replace part of a column value in a dataframe using values from other columns


I have a column where part of the column is to be replaced by a value from another column. For example I want to move from this:

<table style="width:100%" border="1">
    <th>Target Customer</th>

to this

<table style="width:100%" border="1">
    <th>Target Customer</th>
    <td>Customer<a style="color:red;">B</a>\BFG\CustomerA-CCP\CustomerA-CSA</td>

I only want the initial value of CustomerA to be changed to CustomerB. The rest of the values should stay the same.

I thought this should work but I get all na in the column

data = [['CustomerA\\BFG\\CustomerA-CCP\\CustomerA-Agreement',  'CustomerA',    'CustomerB'],['CustomerC\\BFG\\CustomerC-CCP\\CustomerC-Agreement', 'CustomerC',    'CustomerD']] 

customerCollateral = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Reference', 'Identification\\Customer','Identification\\Parent']) 

customerCollateral['Reference2']=customerCollateral.apply(lambda x:x['Reference'].replace(x['Identification\\Customer'],x['Identification\\Parent'],n=1),axis=1)


however when I run the above I got this error. TypeError: ('replace() takes no keyword arguments', 'occurred at index 0')

If I do not use n=1 ten all the values of CustomerA is replaced with CustomerB.


x['Reference'] is the object in question, since x is a Series and it's already queried by name. The object that is being called with replace(...) is str.

But, str.replace does not have a keyword n. See the docs here, the limit is defined by a third parameter, not a keyword parameter: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.replace

Collected from the Internet

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