Copy data from one table to another with specific condition


I want to copy data from one table to another but only which has processed='1' in the column value after a specific date.

I have code which could do it but its taking a long time to execute.

"INSERT INTO eamglo5_billingsystem.`consignment` ( 
      FROM  `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment` 
      left join  (
        SELECT eamglo5_billingsystem.`consignment`.`id` as id1 
         FROM eamglo5_billingsystem.`consignment` 
      ) t  ON  `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.id >id1
      WHERE `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.`processed`=1 
       and `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.date_booked>'2018-07-17'

Expected: Should copy data from eamglo5_singaporelive.consignment table into eamglo5_billingsystem.consignment table with only processed=1 values.

Actual: Taking an infinite time to execute and fetch the rows.

Paul Spiegel

Your LEFT JOIN with the condition >id1 is almost creating a catesian product. What you probably want, is to insert only rows with a higher id from the source table than the highest id1 in the destination table. You should use a SELECT MAX(id) subquery instead:

FROM  `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment` 
WHERE `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.`processed`=1 
  and `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.date_booked>'2018-07-17'
  and `eamglo5_singaporelive`.`consignment`.id > (
     SELECT MAX(id1) FROM eamglo5_billingsystem.`consignment`

Collected from the Internet

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