insert data from one table into another using a condition mysql

marcos j

hello I have the following problem I have two tables let's say these are table 1 and table 2. Table 1 has column A, B, C, D and table 2 has column A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I I need to insert data B, C, D from table 1 in table 2 in columns F, G, H using as Condition that A = A

I can not use

INSERT INTO table2 (F, G, H) SELECT B, C, D FROM table1;

since the data is out of order so when inserting the data they would be mixed

Is it possible to make a sentence that complies with the request, and if it complies, in what way would it be?


I need to insert data B, C, D from table 1 in table 2 in columns F, G, H using as Condition that A = A

I think you want update, not insert:

update table2 t2
inner join table1 t1 on t1.a = t2.a
set t2.f = t1.b, t2.g = t1.c, t2.h = t1.d

For each row in table2, this searches for a match in table1 with a match on a; when found, it updates columns f, g and h of table2 with values of column a, b, c of table1.

For this to work consistently, a should be a unique key in both tables.

Collected from the Internet

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