Postgresql get keys from nested array of objects in JSONB field


Here' a dummy data for the jsonb column

"address": [
  "country": "US",
  "extension": [
      "extension": [
          "valueDecimal": -71.024638,
          "url": "latitude"
          "url": "longitude",
          "valueDecimal": 42.082543
      "url": "url1"
  "postalCode": "02301",
  "city": "Brockton"
  "country": "US",
  "extension": [
      "extension": [
          "valueDecimal": -71.024638,
          "url": "latitude"
          "url": "longitude",
          "valueDecimal": 42.082543
      "url": "url2"
  "postalCode": "02301",
  "city": "Brockton"

I want to get something like, address->'extension'->'extension'->'valueDecimal' but it only works with the json but it is an array of JSON expecting output -

[-71.024638, -71.024638]

I'm able to get a first extension(i.e first array of JSON ) with the below query

SELECT elems.value  FROM "patient", jsonb_array_elements(resource -> 'extension') AS elems;

so the problem is that I'm not able to get inner 'extension'(It is inside the extension object) data. Any help will be Helpful.

Kaushik Nayak

You may cross join multiple levels of jsonb_array_elements

SELECT json_agg(elems3->>'valueDecimal') as latitudes
    FROM patient
 cross join jsonb_array_elements(resource ->'address'  ) AS elems
 cross join jsonb_array_elements(elems ->'extension')  AS elems2
 cross join jsonb_array_elements(elems2 ->'extension') AS elems3
 where elems3->>'url' = 'latitude'


This may be slower for large records although there are ways to improve performance. A recommended option is to redesign and normalize your table to store values separately as columns in their corresponding tables and use JSON only where there's no other way to deal with the data.

Collected from the Internet

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