Postgresql migrate data from jsonb array to jsonb

Rachid Ennaj

Let's say I have a column with this jsonb data :

    "indicators": [
            "year": 2019,
            "indicatorsByYear": [
                    "value": 3120,
                    "code": "Nb_h"
                    "value": 18,
                    "code": "S_ppa"
                    "value": 95,
                    "code": "T_occ"
            "year": 2020,
            "indicatorsByYear": [
                    "value": 300,
                    "code": "Nb_h"
                    "value": 18,
                    "code": "S_ppa"
                    "value": 55,
                    "code": "T_occ"
    "dataProvidedByUser": false

The idea is to migrate this column to a simplified object like this :

    "indicatorsByYear": {
        "2019": [
                "value": 3120,
                "code": "Nb_h"
                "value": 18,
                "code": "S_ppa"
                "value": 95,
                "code": "T_occ"
        "2020": [
                "value": 300,
                "code": "Nb_h"
                "value": 18,
                "code": "S_ppa"
                "value": 55,
                "code": "T_occ"
    "dataProvidedByUser": false

How can I transform the indicators array to map object with year as key and indicatorsByYear as value.

For info, the maximum number of years that I can have is 11 years (from 2010 to 2020), some columns have all the years others only some.

My attempts with something like that without success

update site
SET data = data
    || jsonb_build_object('indicatorsByYear',
            data -> 'indicators' ->> 'year', 
            data -> 'indicators' ->> 'indicatorsByYear'

Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance.


data -> 'indicators' is an array, whose elements you need to consider individually and then aggregate back together into an object. You can use jsonb_array_elements and jsonb_object_agg respectively for this.

Also, you'll want to remove the old indicators key from the data column.

SET data = jsonb_set(
  data - 'indicators',
    SELECT jsonb_object_agg(el ->> 'year', el -> 'indicatorsByYear')
    FROM jsonb_array_elements(data -> 'indicators') el

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