Nuget VS 2015 Update 2 Doesn't Find All Packages

Tyler StandishMan

We have an internal Nuget server that hosts packages. Up until Update 2 we were able to view all packages hosted on this server, like so:

Pre Update 2 Internal Nuget Packages

Once upgraded to VS Update 2, we can only see a subset of these packages.

Post Update 2 Internal Nuget Packages

Using the find-package command in Package Manager Console, the results are as follows:

PM> find-package

Id                                  Versions                                 Description                                                                                                                                   
--                                  --------                                 -----------                                                                                                                                   
Core.v35                            {1.2.27}                                 StrongDateTime and Settings                                                                                                                   
Core.v40.Logging                    {1.2.1}                                  Logging library                                                                                                                               
Core.v40.MessageBus                 {1.2.1}                                  Wrapper for message broker access                                                                                                             
Core.v40.NLog.Extensions            {1.2.7}                                  Alternative to Core.v40.Logging, Nlog with message bus target extension                                                                       

PM> find-package ptsr

Id                                  Versions                                 Description                                                                                                                                   
--                                  --------                                 -----------                                                                                                                                   
PtSR                                {3.1.5}                                  PowerTools Shared References, used to communicate with the PowerTools Platform                                                                

PM> find-package ptvp

Id                                  Versions                                 Description                                                                                                                                   
--                                  --------                                 -----------                                                                                                                                   
PtVP.v2                             {3.1.5}                                  PowerTools Viewports, used for working with PowerTools data through viewports 

As you can see, the package ptsr and ptvp exist, but when executing find-package, they are not shown. We are able to Install-Package as well, which is a work around.

Does anyone know of a fix for this? Any others experiencing the same thing?


We were running an internal nuget server originally published in 2013, using NuGet.Server.dll version 2.7.40911.225, after installing .net 4.5.2 and updating to the latest internal nuget server 2.10.3 all the packages started showing up in the list. It is unknown what was causing it to not show everything, probably a bug in how it was formatting or escapping the xml feed, browsing the atom feed directly listed all packages in both versions of the nuget server.

Collected from the Internet

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