Can't find VS2015 TeamFoundationServerExt on nuget

Mladen Mihajlovic

I've referenced the latest Microsoft Team Foundation nuget packages found at but I cannot find a reference anywhere for TeamFoundationServerExt. Does anybody know if these have been moved to a nuget package too? If not where can I reference from (I was hoping not to use direct paths to Visual Studio 2015)?


You're looking for:

 PM> Install-Package Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient

I'm not sure which Assembly you're looking for, Microsoft has never shipped a TeamFoundationServerExt assembly, all the functionality you need is broken into one of the at least 20 assemblies added to your project when referencing this package.

There is a class TeamfoundationServerExt, which is part of the assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation, that one is part of the Visual Studio SDK and/or full Visual Studio installation and is not available as a redistributable Nuget package as far as I am aware of.

Collected from the Internet

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