Python Docx - how to number headings?

Mawg says reinstate Monica

There is a good example for Python Docx.

I have used multiple document.add_heading('xxx', level=Y) and can see when I open the generated document in MS Word that the levels are correct.

What I don't see is numbering, such a 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc I just see the heading text.

How can I display heading numbers, using Docx ?

Scott Stanley

Alphanumeric heading prefixes are automatically created based on the outline style and level of the heading. Set the outline style and insert the correct level and you will get the numbering.

Numbering style has not yet been implemented. From documentation: _NumberingStyle objects class[source] A numbering style. Not yet implemented.

However, if set headings (e.g., = document.styles['Heading 1']), then it should default to the latent numbering style of that heading.

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