Image gets rotated when retrieved from file


I'm modifying some code from an online lesson on using UIPickerViewController.

I'm taking a photo, displaying in a UIImageView in my first View Controller, then saving it to file. Then I retrieve it and display it in a UIImageView in my second View Controller. The UIImageViews are the same size (375 x 315), and use the same settings:

enter image description here

The first VC looks like this after snapping the picture and hitting the "Use photo" button on the UIPickerViewController interface:

enter image description here

The second VC looks like this after I retrieve the pic (I'm using PNG):

enter image description here

I've banged around a lot on SO, yet haven't found a solution for iOS. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I can supply any code (which seems unremarkable), but I don't think that's where the problem lies.

Thanks! All Help appreciated!


I got my answer right here, which was only a click or two away from the link provided by @ocanal in his comment above. I did have to convert from Obj C to Swift, but it works like magic. Here's the code I added to achieve the correct orientation:

let originalImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imagePath)

var imageToDisplay: UIImage? = nil
if let anImage = originalImage?.cgImage {
    imageToDisplay = UIImage(cgImage: anImage, scale: originalImage!.scale, orientation: .right)

Collected from the Internet

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