How to use jinja2 server side rendering alongside react without violating inline-script CSP


I am new to React and experimenting a bit. I would like to use it on my Flask site that uses Jinja2 templates.

People seem to recommend to render data on the server-side first instead of having to always make an initial call for data on page load. I found this nodejs example but it just puts the data on the page in a global variable in an inline script tag. I was wondering if there was a clean way to do this other than just putting the data on the page inside an inline script tag. Because of my secure CSP policy I can't use inline scripts or eval.

Is there an standard pattern people use to render data for React on the server without using an inline variable?


You can certainly use it on sites that have server side rendering via Jinja. The question becomes - what do you want to update on the page without reloading? Usually, the component state in React is updated via user interaction or a changing data source (i.e. db API).

My experience has been to render (via Jinja) the static page data and then use React components to update based on and/or listen for changes to the state of an API (maybe through Flask-Restful). These APIs can be accessed through React's life cycle methods (usually 'getInitialState' or 'setState')

For example - you may have portions of your site that are rendered server-side in layout.html and then the {% block content %} is rendered client side by the React js components.

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block content %}

<h2>Some Header</h2>

<script type="text/jsx" src="/scripts/ReactComponent1.js">

<div id="one">
<!-- This element's contents will be replaced with ReactComponent1. -   ->

<script type="text/jsx" src="/scripts/ReactComponent2.js">

<div id="two">
<!-- This element's contents will be replaced with ReactComponent2. -->

{% endblock %}

I really recommend going through the React Tutorial and trying to apply it to a Flask App.

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