select row from one table where value exists from array from another table

Dr J Manish

I have two tables.

  1. Users table have columns

    • member_group equals to
      • Admin
      • Marketing
      • Sales
    • zone equals to
      • North
      • West
      • East
  2. Meetings table have columns

    • for_member_group
    • for_zone columns.

for_member_group and for_zone may contain multiple values with comma separation.


  • for_member_group = Admin,Sales
  • for_member_group = Admin,Marketing,Sales

    And same with for_zone column too.

Now I want to send emails to that particular meeting.

E.g. From Meetings table row 3 with values like for_member_group = 'Admin,Marketing' and for_zone='East,West'

Now mail should be sent to Admin and Marketing name containing rows and East and West containing zone names only form Users Table

BUT USER QUERY is not working.... No user selected and no email gets sent...

I also tried echo $userdata['email']; But nothing echoed...and No Error is seen...

I have tried as follows :

    $qry = "select * from $meetings where meeting_start > $today order by meeting_start desc limit 1";
    $results = $database->get_results($qry);
    foreach($results as $lecture_data){
        $for_member_group = $lecture_data['for_member_group'];
        $for_zone = $lecture_data['for_zone'];
        $userquery = "select * from $users where member_group IN('$for_member_group') and zone IN('$for_zone') ";
        $userresult = $database->get_results($userquery);
        foreach ($userresult as $userdata){
            echo $userdata['email'];

   <!-- EMail HTML and PHP Coding-->


  rest php code

$for_member_group seems to be a CSV string. You have to quote all elements to use in IN() statement. Note that you should test if $for_member_group and $for_zone are not empty before to use them.

$mem_quote = "'".implode("','", explode(',', $for_member_group))."'";
$zon_quote = "'".implode("','", explode(',', $for_zone))."'";
// $mem_quote will be equals to 'Admin','Marketing'
$userquery = "select * from $users 
              where member_group in($mem_quote) 
                and zone in($zon_quote)";

The query will look like:

select * from $users 
 where member_group in('Admin','Marketing') 
   and zone in('East','West')

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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