Heroku timeout when sending emails


I am on Heroku with a custom domain, and I have the Redis add-on. I need help understanding how to create a background worker for email notifications. Users can inbox message each other, and I would like to send a email notification to the user for each new message received. I have the notifications working in development, but I am not good with creating background jobs which is required for Heroku, otherwise the server would timeout.

Messages Controller:

  def create
    @recipient = User.find(params[:user])
    current_user.send_message(@recipient, params[:body], params[:subject])
    flash[:notice] = "Message has been sent!"
    if request.xhr?
        render :json => {:notice => flash[:notice]}
        redirect_to :conversations

User model:

def mailboxer_email(object)
    if self.no_email


Mailboxer.setup do |config|

  #Configures if you applications uses or no the email sending for Notifications and Messages
  config.uses_emails = false

  #Configures the default from for the email sent for Messages and Notifications of Mailboxer
  config.default_from = "[email protected]"

  #Configures the methods needed by mailboxer
  config.email_method = :mailboxer_email
  config.name_method = :name

  #Configures if you use or not a search engine and which one are you using
  #Supported enignes: [:solr,:sphinx]
  config.search_enabled = false
  config.search_engine = :sphinx

Sidekiq is definitely the way to go with Heroku. I don't think mailboxer supports background configuration out of the box. Thankfully, it's still really easy with sidekiq's queueing process.

  1. Add gem 'sidekiq' to your gemfile and run bundle.
  2. Create a worker file app/workers/message_worker.rb.
class MessageWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(sender_id, recipient_id, body, subject)
    sender = User.find(sender_id)
    recipient = User.find(recipient_id)
    sender.send_message(recipient, body, subject) 
  1. Update your Controller to Queue Up the Worker

Remove: current_user.send_message(@recipient, params[:body], params[:subject])

Add: MessageWorker.perform_async(current_user.id, @recipient.id, params[:body], params[:subject])

Note: You should never pass workers ActiveRecord objects. That's why I setup this method to pass the User ids and look them up in the worker's perform method, instead of the entire object.

  1. Finally, restart your server and run bundle exec sidekiq. Now your app should be sending the email background.

  2. When you deploy, you will need a separate dyno for the worker which should look like this: worker: bundle exec sidekiq. You will also need Heroku's redis add-on.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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