Angular 4 - Error when displaying json data as a table


Using Angular 4, Typescript I am unable to display content of below json:

  1. timed_out, max_score in a text box
  2. CV/JOB in a table.

    Any hints

    { "took": 56, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 18, "successful": 18, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 23381243, "max_score": 2.2639267, "hits": [ { "_index": "2018-09", "_type": "ABC", "_id": "122", "_score": 2.2639267, "fields": { "CV": [ "proc" ], "JOB": [ "pap" ] } }, { "_index": "2018-09", "_type": "ABC", "_id": "123", "_score": 2.2639267, "fields": { "CV": [ "foo" ], "JOB": [ "bnn" ] } } ] } }


You need nested ngFor in your case,

 <tr *ngFor="let dataobj of data.hits.hits">
   <td  *ngFor="let jobObj of dataobj.fields.JOB">               
   </td >
   <td  *ngFor="let hitobj of dataobj.fields.CV">               
    </td >            


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