How can I get android View kind programmatically?


I want to get View object programmatically. But, not fixed View kind, like.. RadioButton..Button.. I only want to know View kind for View's properties. Is it possible?

Please see this :

String idString = "view_from_xml_id";
int id = getResources().getIdentifier(idString, "id", getPackageName());
View iDontKnowWhat = findViewById(id);

The [iDontKnowWhat] view object is Just View. But, I want to cast this [iDontKnowWhat] view object to RadioButton, Button, EditText...Case by Case.

I want like this :

String idString = "view_from_xml_id";
int id = getResources().getIdentifier(idString, "id", getPackageName());
View iDontKnowWhat = findViewById(id);

if(iDontKnowWhat == RadioButton)
  // @Do something..
else if(iDontKnowWhat == EditText)
  // @Do Something..

Can I implement it? Please help me sir :)


Do not use == (equals), that actually compares the values, not the objects. Use instanceof and check the view like this

if(view instanceof TextView){ //TODO your logic }elseif(....

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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