How can I get the Terraform module name programmatically?


I have defined the following Terraform module:

module "lambda" {
  source                = "../lambda"
  region                =  "us-west-1"
  account               = "${var.account}"

How can I take advantage from the module name to set the source parameter with an interpolation? I wish something like:

module "lambda" {
  source                = "../${}"
  region                =  "us-west-1"
  account               = "${var.account}"

I think is not possible. There's a self that allows you to reference attributes within your resource, but the identifier is not an attribute. Also, self is only allowed within provisioners.

I guess the only way to accomplish what you want is templating the .tf files, like:

module {{ my-module}} {
  source                = "../{{ my-module }}"
  region                =  "us-west-1"
  account               = "${var.account}"

but you should render the templates before terraform init. It's straightforward to setup in a CI pipeline, but I find it cumbersome when working locally.

Collected from the Internet

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