spring-cassandra UDT data insert

mahendra singh

Can someone help me to find out how to insert Cassandra UDT data using Spring POJO class?

I created one POJO class to map Cassandra's Table and Created one another class for Cassandra UDT, but when i inserted main POJO class that map Cassandra's table than it's not recognized another POJO class( map Cassandra's UDT). I have also written anotation on every class and on every class object .

Here is My one POJO class :-

package com.bdbizviz.smb.model.entity;

import org.springframework.cassandra.core.PrimaryKeyType;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.mapping.PrimaryKeyColumn;
import org.springframework.data.cassandra.mapping.Table;

import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.CoverPhoto;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.Location;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.MailingAddress;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.Reference;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.RestaurantServices;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.RestaurantSpecial;
import com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt.VoipInfo;
import com.datastax.driver.mapping.annotations.Frozen;

public class Sources {

Integer likes;
Integer followers;
Integer rating;
String last_processedtime;
String filter_str;
String filter_type;
String category;

String admin;

String name;

String source;

Integer id;

String type;

Integer delete_flag;
Integer evaluated;

Reference fb_reference_id_name ;

MailingAddress fb_mailingaddress;

CoverPhoto fb_coverphoto ;

VoipInfo fb_voipinfo;

RestaurantServices fb_restaurantservice;

RestaurantSpecial fb_restaurantspecialties;

Location fb_location;

/* Setter and Getter */

Another POJO class :-

package com.bdbizviz.smb.cassandra.udt;

import org.springframework.data.annotation.Persistent;
import com.datastax.driver.mapping.annotations.Field;
import com.datastax.driver.mapping.annotations.UDT;

@UDT(name = "reference" ,keyspace="smb")
public class Reference {

String id ;

String name;

/* Setter and Getter */

Spring Cassandra Driver is not even support UDT feature. You have to use Cassandra's custom driver for this feature.

Here is the maven dependency for Cassandra Driver


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