Spring Boot Data Embedded Cassandra


In my Spring Boot 1.5.1 application I'm going to write unit/integration tests for Cassandra related logic.

I have added folowing Maven dependency:


The default Spring Boot Cassandra configuration is going to connect with a real Cassandra DB server.

Is there any options in Spring/Spring Boot in order to configure my tests to use embedded Cassandra server ? If so, could you please show the required configuration.


We use on the project Cassandra + Spring Boot. Here are the steps which worked for us:

a) Configure you test like this

import org.cassandraunit.spring.CassandraDataSet;
import org.cassandraunit.spring.CassandraUnitDependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener;
import org.cassandraunit.spring.CassandraUnitTestExecutionListener;
import org.cassandraunit.spring.EmbeddedCassandra;

@SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
@TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {
@EmbeddedCassandra(timeout = 60000)
@CassandraDataSet(value = {"bootstrap_test.cql"}, keyspace = "local_test")
public abstract class BaseTest {

b) in your src/test/resources/application.properties, add this (please note, embedded cassandra starts on port 9142, but not on default 9042)


c) Create empty file bootstrap_test.cql in src/test/resources

d) Add to your pom.xml


This should be enough to run your tests with Embedded Cassandra. Hope it helps.

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