Mocking a ListState in Apache Flink 1.4

BlameMe :

I am writing some test code for a processElement function in Apache Flink 1.4:

public class ProcessFunctionClass {

    public void processElement(Tuple2<String, String> tuple2,  Context context, Collector<Tuple2<String, String>> collector) {

        // if the state is empty, start a timer
        if (listState.get().iterator().hasNext() == false)


        // ...

public class ProcessFunctionClassTest {

    private ProcessFunctionClass processFunctionClass;

    private ListState<String> listState;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        processFunctionClass = new ProcessFunctionClass();

    public void testProcessElement() {

        ListState mockListState = mock(ListState.class);
        Iterable mockIterable = mock(Iterable.class);
        Iterator mockIterator = mock(Iterator.class);


        processFunctionClass.processElement(tuple2, context, collector);

        // verify(...)

When I debug using my IDE, just before I step into the processElement() method, listState is not null and appears to have been mocked successfully, but as soon as I get to listState.get().iterator().hasNext(), listState is null and I get a NullPointerException. What am I doing wrong here?

Lesiak :

In ProcessFunctionClass you have a private listState variable. In your test you create a completely unrelated mockListState variable and set some expectations on it.

For your test to work, you must provide a way (constructor or setter) to set ProcessFunctionClass.listState to desired value (your mocked list state)

On top of that, MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); seems to do nothing in your example: you haven't shown us any fields annotated with @Mock or @InjectMocks


You are misusing @Mock annotation. You should place it in the test class, not in class under test. When placed in the test class, after a call to initMocks, the filed will be initialized with a mock of an appropriate type.

What you should fo instead:

  • remove MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);, you are creating all the mocks manually.
  • add a constructor in ProcessFunctionClass
public ProcessFunctionClass(ListState<String> listState) {
    this.listState = listState
  • use this constructor in your test
var mockListState = mock(ListState.class);
var processFunctionClass = new ProcessFunctionClass();

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