login event handling in laravel 5


i am trying to hook to the login even in my L5 app to set last login time and IP address. i can make it work with the following:

Event::listen('auth.login', function($event)
    Auth::user()->last_login = new DateTime;
    Auth::user()->last_login_ip = Request::getClientIp();

however, i am wondering what the best way to do this in L5 is with the event handler object. i tried creating an event handler and adding auth.login as an array key in the events service provider, however that didnt work. im not sure if that is possible or not with the auth.login event. if it isnt, where is the most appropriate place to put the above code. for testing, i put it in my routes.php file, but i know that isnt where it should be.


EDIT: this only works in 5.0.* and 5.1.*.

For the 5.2.* solution see JuLiAnc response below.

after working with both proposed answers, and some more research i finally figured out how to do this the way i was trying at first.

i ran the following artisan command

$ php artisan handler:event AuthLoginEventHandler

Then i altered the generated class removing the import of the Event class and and imported the user model. I also passed User $user and $remember to the handle method since when the auth.login event is fired, thats what is passed.

<?php namespace App\Handlers\Events;

use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeQueued;
use App\User;

class AuthLoginEventHandler {

     * Create the event handler.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Handle the event.
     * @param  User $user
     * @param  $remember
     * @return void
    public function handle(User $user, $remember)
        dd("login fired and handled by class with User instance and remember variable");


now i opened EventServiceProvided.php and modified the $listen array as follows:

protected $listen = [
    'auth.login' => [

i realized if this doesn't work at first, you may need to

$ php artisan clear-compiled

There we go! we can now respond to the user logging in via the auth.login event using an event handler class!

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