shell script expect and spawn commands

Rahul surya

Actually i am writing 2 scripts of


for i in 1 2
echo "say hii:"

another script of

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn ./
sleep 2
for {set x 1} {$x<3} {incr x} {
expect "say hii:"
send "hii\r"
sleep 10

executing ./

so for the first time it is sending say hii: "and we are sending hii"

for the second time it getting struck in say hii:

so i would like to send two times means how many time for loop is there.

Nahuel Fouilleul finishes after writing say hii twice


for i in 1 2
    echo "say hii:"
    IFS= read -r line && echo "$0 read: $line"

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn ./
sleep 2
for {set x 1} {$x<3} {incr x} {
    expect "say hii:"
    send "hii\r"
    sleep 1

Collected from the Internet

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