Expect script to run shell command


How to run a shell command in an expect script and check for some specific string?


set timeout 20

send "ps -aef | grep P1"

expect "string"



I tried with spawn, exec and system command in place of send, but it always timed out or ended in some error.

Donal Fellows

The pattern is you spawn the program, expect it to produce some output, send it some input, (repeat the last two as necessary), and close; wait to finish. If the program doesn't produce the expected output, you will wait until it finishes or you get a timeout.

Fortunately, you can wait for multiple things at once:

spawn ps -aef
expect {
    "P1" { ... got it ... }
    eof { ... not got it ... }
    timeout { ... ps hung? ... }

Collected from the Internet

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