'Find' function working incorrectly, have tried floating point accuracy resolution


I have vertically concatenated files from my directory into a matrix that is about 60000 x 15 in size (verified).

for k=1:n
for k=1:n

I am using a the following 32-iteration loop and the 'Find" function to locate row numbers where the final column is an integer corresponding to the integer iteration of the loop:

for i=1:32

I have tried to account for the floating point accuracy by using 'fix' on values of 'i' and values from matrix 'total', in addition to taking their absolute difference and checking it to be less than a tolerance of 'eps' (floating-point relative accuracy function), up to a tolerance of .99.

The 'Find' function is not working correctly. It is only working for certain integers (although it should be locating all of them (1-32)), and for the integers it does find the values are incomplete.

What is the problem here? If 'Find' is inadequate for this purpose, what is a suitable alternative?


You are getting a lot of zeros because you are looking not just at the 15th column of data but the entire data matrix so you are going to have a lot of non-integers.

Also, you're using fix on both numbers and since floating point errors can cause the number to be slightly above and below the desired integer, this will cause the ones that are below to round down an integer lower than what you'd expect. You should use round to round to the nearest integer instead.

Rather than using find to do this, I would use simple boolean logic to determine the value of the last column

for k = 1:32
    % Compare column 15 to the current index
    matches = abs(total(:,end) - k) < eps;

    % Do stuff with these matches
    g = sum(matches);   % Count the matches

Depending on what you want to actually do with the data, you may be able to use the last column as an input to accumarray to perform an operation on each group.

As a side note, you can replace the first chunk of code with

d = dir('*.log');

data = cellfun(@importdata, {d.name}, 'UniformOutput', false);
total = cat(1, data{:});

Collected from the Internet

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