The user with id # does not have the right view on profile with id #


I am attempting to add a contact to a contact field, the field currently has no information in the app. I originally attempted this through app authentication but found this post on Podio forum and this on here and changed authentication to user.

The user is a workspace admin, the profile_id I am adding is a workspace member and the app has no restrictions on it.

What am I missing and how do I resolve the issue?

$item_id = 1111111;
$field_id = 2222222;
$profile_id = 3333333;

Podio::authenticate_with_password( 'admin_user_email', 'password' );
$item = PodioItem::get_basic( $item_id );
$external_id = 'sign-off-authority';
$contact = new PodioContactItemField( array( 'field_id' => $field_id, 'external_id' => $external_id, 'values' => array( 'profile_id' => $profile_id ) ) );
$item->fields[] = $contact;

results in the following stacktrace:

Fatal error: 
Uncaught PodioForbiddenError: 
"The user with id #### does not have the right view on profile with id ####" 
Request URL: Stack Trace: 
#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\podio-api\lib\Podio.php(322): Podio::request('PUT', '/item/1111111', Array) 
#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\podio-api\models\PodioItem.php(184): Podio::put('/item/1111111', Array) 
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\podio-api\models\PodioItem.php(67): PodioItem::update(1111111, Array, Array) 
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\getItems.php(48): PodioItem->save() 
#4 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\podio-api\lib\Podio.php on line 286

I found out that either php or podio's php api library was converting my stored value into an array and not retaining it as an integer value. I tried using both user_id and profile_id with neither working, until I realised through output logs what was happening. I had to update the code to this:

$profile_id = 3333333;
$arr = [];
$arr['profile_id'] = $profile_id;
$contact = new PodioContactItemField( array( 'field_id' => $field_id, 'external_id' => $external_id, 'values' => $arr ) );

by creating an array and adding that to the object it retained it's preset format and was accepted by the api. Now the code runs fine.

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