I want to show reason in user profile but show reason id in user profile

public function getreason(Request $request){

    $reasons = TradeReason::where('trade_id',$request->trade_id)->pluck("reason_id");

    $reasondisplay = Reason::where "$reasons", '=', 'id')->pluck("reason");

    return response() -> json($reasondisplay);

Its code just show only reason id but not show reason in user profile

Chirag Patel

Your function is not properly coded, So just replace your function with this code and use whereIn() method in place of where.

public function getreason(Request $request){

    $reasons = TradeReason::where('trade_id',$request->trade_id)->pluck("reason_id");

    $reasondisplay = Reason::whereIn('id',$reasons)->pluck("reason");

    return response()->json($reasondisplay);

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