Laravel - How to orderBy eloquent query with pivot and each function

Michał Lipa

I have a problem with orderBy in more complicated query.

I want to get 10 ordered users (pivot with club) from specified club and hide some columns.

So I have query in eloquent which almost works for me. The problem is with ordering users by some variable (level or exp - don't know yet).

My query (working - without ordering):

        $users = Club::find($club_id)->users->each(function($row) {

            $row->setHidden(['history', 'books', 'reviews', 'exp', 'erudion_id', 'phone', 'bio', 'active', 'book_transfer_type', 'email', 'password', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'active_club', 'facebook_id', 'password_token', 'points', 'password_status', 'pivot']);


    return $users;

One of my trials (with OrderBy):

//        $users = Club::find($club_id)->with(['users' => function ($q) {
//            $q->orderBy('id');
//        }])->each(function($row) {
//            $row->setHidden(['history', 'books', 'reviews', 'exp', 'erudion_id', 'phone', 'bio', 'active', 'book_transfer_type', 'email', 'password', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'active_club', 'facebook_id', 'password_token', 'points', 'password_status', 'pivot']);
//        });
//        return $users;


The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), "boolean" given.

I have appended attributes in my model. This attributes cannot be unselected by not including them in select, so they are basically always selected.

I want to create eloquent query which will limit attributes to only few, which interest me.

Michał Lipa

Ok, I figure it out in different way. Maybe it not looks so good but it works. Works much faster than without hidden attributes.

I use in my models appended attributes, which are always selected (even without selecting them in eloquent) so I had to create array with attributes which interest me.

  $users = Club::where('id', $club_id)->first()->users()->orderBy('id')->limit(10)->get();

    $ranking = [];

    foreach($users as $k => $user){
        $ranking[$k]['id'] = $user['id'];
        $ranking[$k]['f_name'] = $user['f_name'];

    return $ranking;

Thank you guys for clues.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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