Laravel 5: How to do a join query on a pivot table using Eloquent?


I have 2 tables in my Laravel application namely customers and stores. Customers can belong to many stores and stores can have many customers. There's a pivot table between them to store that relation.

Question is, how do I extract the list of customers for a given store using Eloquent? Is it possible? I am currently able to extract that using Laravel's Query Builder. Here is my code:

| customers | stores      | customer_store |
| id        | id          | customer_id    |
| name      | name        | store_id       |
| created_at| created_at  | created_at     |
| updated_at| updated_at  | updated_at     |

Customer Model:

public function stores(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Store::class)
            ->withPivot('customer_store', 'store_id')

Store Model:

public function customers(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Customer::class)
            ->withPivot('customer_store', 'customer_id')

DB Query (using Query Builder):

$customer = DB::select(SELECT,,,, customers.location FROM customers LEFT JOIN customer_store on = customer_store.customer_id WHERE customer_store.store_id = $storeID);
Alex Lam

Try this one:

public function result(Request $request) {

    $storeId = $request->get('storeId');

    $customers = Customer::whereHas('stores', function($query) use($storeId) {
        $query->where('', $storeId);


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