publish my android aar to jcenter

Paul Yang

I want to upload my android aar to the bintray.I reafer to this ,but when I execute the cmd #gradlew bintrayUpload,the cmd show error message,and my gradle file as follow:

bintray {
    user = properties.getProperty('bintray.user')
    key = properties.getProperty('bintray.apikey')
    configurations = ['published', 'archives']

    dryRun = false
    publish = true

    pkg {
        repo = 'maven'
        name = 'ActionAnimatorSet'

        desc = 'An animator operation set on Android'

        websiteUrl = ''
        issueTrackerUrl = ''
        vcsUrl = ''

        licenses = ['GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.0']
        labels = ['Android', 'ObjectAnimator', 'AnimatorSet']
        publicDownloadNumbers = true

        version {
            name = '1.0.0'
            desc = 'first version'
            vcsTag = '1.0'

publishing {
    publications {
        Publication(MavenPublication) {
            groupId 'com.paulyung'
            artifactId 'actionanimset'
            version '1.0.0'

I already setup a maven in bintray,but the cmd always point out that I don't have a maven.


Please look at one of the following threads: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized when uploading binary on bintray Trouble Publishing Android Studio Library on jCenter with Bintray

You might be missing the userOrg parameter. It depends on if your maven repo resides under your organization or user.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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