Is there a way to make GitHub Pages download bower dependencies?

Hubert Grzeskowiak

I have a HTML page in a GitHub repo, which I would like to serve using GitHub Pages. The page depends on some 3rd party libs which are noted as bower dependencies. Is there a way to make GH Pages resolve bower dependencies? I'd prefer to not commit all the files.


No. It runs Jekyll, and only Jekyll, and only supports the plugins contained in the gh-pages gem. Bower is run on node.js. So the only way to do this is to resolve the dependencies locally, commit everything and then push.

In order to keep your branches somewhat clean, you could use a source (or whatver name you prefer) branch which only contains the needed sources and make your changes there. Once you have done your changes, merge the source branch into master, then resolve the dependencies again (if you changed them, or updates are available), commit and push the master branch.

This leaves you with a quite clean source branch, but also has all dependencies in you need resolved in the master branch.

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