How to call web service client in java eclipse

Althaf Ahamed

I am developing a android app which invoke cloud service. I add the web reference client by calling wsdl file cloudservice.wsdl in the server site. it will generate files called

(i)CloudServiceLocator(java file)


(iii)CloudServiceSoapProxy(java file)

(iv)CloudServiceSoapStub(java file)


how can i call the methods inside CloudServiceSoapStub class into my application.

Kakumanu siva krishna

Try following code after calling the wsdl file

Note:The methods may be changed as per your wsdl service

    CloudServiceSoapStub stub=null;
    CloudServiceLocator locator=new CloudServiceLocator();
    String endPointAddress = locator.getServiceSoapAddress();

    try {
        stub=(CloudServiceSoapStub) locator.getServiceSoap(new URL(endPointAddress));
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    } catch (ServiceException e) {

After generating the stub,you can get your required methods

Eg: stub.getValues();

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