Call A C# Web Service From PHP Client

Emad Morris Zedan

I have this ASP.Net C# Web Service

and this is the PHP client code:

        //Use C# Web Service:
        require "lib/nusoap.php";
        $client2 = new nusoap_client("","");
        $result = $client2->call("CelsiusToFahrenheit", array(37));
        echo $result;

this code return nothing and no errors anybody can modify my code to return a value, I think the main error is in passing a number to the service as I looked on google but I could not find a way of sending number parameter?

Edit: I saw this link: Call web service from PHP with multiple parameters and I modified my code to:

    //Use C# Web Service:
    $client2 = new SoapClient("");
    $params->Celsius = '37';   
    $result = $client2->CelsiusToFahrenheit($params)->CelsiusToFahrenheitResult;
    echo (string)$result;

and it return a result but before that it show this error: Warning: Creating default object from empty value pointing to the Params variable creation, so this is good progress but any body can solve the generated error? thanks

Emad Morris Zedan

This is the right Answer I found it by myself and I like to share it for other developers

    //Use C# Web Service:
    $client2 = new SoapClient("");
    $params = new ArrayObject();
    $params->Celsius = 37;
    $result = $client2->CelsiusToFahrenheit($params)->CelsiusToFahrenheitResult;
    echo $result;

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