Iterating through non uniform of array of objects with Angular ng-repeat


Suppose I have the following data:

sampleData = [{'artist': 'John', 'id': 1}, {'artist': 'John', 'id': 2},
{'artist': 'Tim', 'id': 3}, {'artist': 'Jimmy', 'id': 4}, {'venue': 'Rock club', 'id':1}, {'venue': 'Rock club', 'id': 2}, {'venue': 'Tonys', 'id': 3}]

This data can be found in my controller and will be non-changing. What I want to do is construct two nested lists within a main <ul>.

Given I have the following input where where a user types 'J' or 'j':

<input ng-model="query" type="text" placeholder="Filter by">

This is what I would like to have rendered using ng-repeat(unless I don't have to use ng-repeat):

      <li>John (There are two 2 Johns)</li>
      <li>Jock Club (There are two 2 Jock Club)</li>

Initially, I attempted to write a customer filter that took in the results from the filtered list and manipulated the data. Angular wasn't happy with my filter because I was modifying the original data too much and so I was receiving an infinite digest loop. So now I am back at square one trying to decide if this is best done with a directive or filter. I suspect that I need to restructure my data in my controller or in a directive to get my intended outcome. Again, my intended outcome would be a filtered with artist and venue sublists of sampleData that is based on what a user is typing. Updating in a real time is ideal.


If you don't want to restructure your data, it can be achieved by having functions in your controller that use a filter to get only the items you want for each ng-repeat:

In controller:

var sampleData = [...];
$scope.query = '';

$scope.getArtists = function () {
   return $filter('filter')(sampleData, function (item) {
       return item.hasOwnProperty('artist') && item.artist.indexOf($scope.query) > -1; 

$scope.getVenues = function () {
   return $filter('filter')(sampleData, function (item) {
       return item.hasOwnProperty('venue') && item.venue.indexOf($scope.query) > -1;  


<input ng-model="query" type="text" placeholder="Filter by">
    <li ng-repeat="artist in getArtists()"></li>
    <li ng-repeat="venue in getVenues()"></li>


However, it is probably better to restructure your data up front, so that you are able to iterate through venues and artists using a single function more efficiently:

In controller:

var sampleData = [...];
$scope.query = '';
$scope.artists = [];
$scope.venues = [];

angular.forEach(sampleData, function (item) {
    if (item.hasOwnProperty('artist') {
            name: item.artist
    else if (item.hasOwnProperty('venue') {
            name: item.venue

$scope.getMatching = function (items, query) {
    return $filter('filter')(items, function (item) {
        return ( > -1); 


<input ng-model="query" type="text" placeholder="Filter by">
    <li ng-repeat="artist in getMatching(artists, query)"></li>
    <li ng-repeat="venue in getMatching(venues, query)"></li>

Collected from the Internet

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