Iterating through an array of objects using for each or for in


Please how do one iterate over a array of object like using "for each" or "for in or is there another way

    "cards": [
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "Layer1.png",
            "id": 1
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "tom-jagger.jpg",
            "id": 2
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "Layer3.png",
            "id": 3

i need the output to be each object in the array Also lets say i want to do the iteration using the "id" parameter. how do i do this

Dacre Denny

You have a number of options availbe to you for iterating (looping) through data like this. The more common methods would be:

Iteration via Array#forEach(): {

Iteration via an iterator using the for-of construct:

for(const card of {

Iteration via an iterator using the for-in construct:

for(const key in {
  const value =[key];

Here is a working snippet showing these in action:

var data = {
    "cards": [
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "Layer1.png",
            "id": 1
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "tom-jagger.jpg",
            "id": 2
            "des": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ut diam ac felis placerat consequat in vitae justo. Curabitur porta et dolor ac. Morbi quis elementum ipsum",
            "cardName": "Aenean nec sem vestibulum",
            "imgSrc": "Layer3.png",
            "id": 3

// Array.forEach method {

// for-of loop
for(const card of {

// for-in loop
for(const key in {
  const value =[key];

Collected from the Internet

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