In Python, can you change how a method from class 1 acts on class 2 from within class 2?

Chris Stevens

Basically I have a class which subclasses ndarray and has additional information. When I call np.asarray() on my object, it returns just the numpy array and destroys my additional information.

My question is then this: Is there a way in Python to change how np.asarray() acts on my subclass of ndarray from within my subclass? I don't want to change numpy of course, and I do not want to go through every instance where np.asarray() is called to take care of this.

Thanks in advance!



Short answer: No. Numpy's asarray() doesn't check e.g. if a special method on the class of its argument exists and so doesn't provide a way to override its behaviour.

Long answer: It's not possible from your subclass, but you can hotpatch the numpy module in your module level code to replace the asarray function with your own wrapper. This is a very hacky solution and I don't recommend it, but it may work for you.

_real_asarray = np.asarray
def _new_asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
  if isinstance(a, MyClass):
    # special handling here
    return _real_asarray(a, dtype, order)
np.asarray = _new_asarray

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