How to pass an instance of of a class from within that class


I am wondering about something which can be achieved in c++ but I want to do it in C#.

How can I pass a "pointer" to a class, from within the class that contains the code, allowing me to write code in the form of the Foo.Bar()?

namespace Example
    public class Foo
        MainClass MainClass;

        public void Bar()
            var somethingElse = MainClass.A.SomethingElse;
            var somethingDifferent = MainClass.B.SomethingDifferent;

    public class MainClass
        public string Something;

        public SubClassA A = new SubClassA(this); // <<-- not valid in c#
        public SubClassB B = new SubClassB(this); // <<-- not valid in c#

    public class SubClassA
        private MainClass _MainClass;

        public SubClassA(MainClass mainClass)
            _MainClass = mainClass;

        public string SomethingElse {
            get {
                return _MainClass.Something + " Else";

    public class SubClassB
        private MainClass _MainClass;

        public SubClassB(MainClass mainClass)
            _MainClass = mainClass;

        public string SomethingDifferent
                return _MainClass.Something + " Different";

I should state that I know I can restructure my code in a million ways to achieve a workable result, but I have a specific question I am hoping to answer! :)


Jon Skeet

All you need to do is move the initialization expression out of the field declaration and into a constructor:

public class MainClass
    public string Something;

    public SubClassA A;
    public SubClassB B;

    public MainClass()
        A = new SubClassA(this);
        B = new SubClassB(this);


  • Please stop using public fields. They make me sad, and it's a Friday afternoon, when I should be happy.
  • "Leaking" a this pointer during construction can be dangerous. If whatever you're calling (the constructors in this case) calls back into the object, it will be running code when you haven't finished initializing. It's a bit like calling a virtual method in a constructor - it works, but it makes the code brittle.
  • Subclass. You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • You never initialize Foo.MainClass, so your Bar() method is going to fail with a NullReferenceException

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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