Click link in Internet Explorer


I've got a macro that I can use to log in to a website and authenticate myself, now I just need to add a section to click a button (which will download a .csv for me).

Here's the login code:

Sub WebLogin()

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
    .Visible = True
    .Navigate ""
    Do Until .ReadyState = 4
    .document.all.Item("edit-name").Value = "MY EMAIL"
    .document.all.Item("edit-pass").Value = "MY PASSWORD"

    Do While IE.Busy
    Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)

  End With

End Sub

So, that works fine. Once I'm logged in, here's the info for the button I'm trying to press:

<input name="_qf_GPDetail_submit_csv" value="Export to CSV" type="submit"  id="_qf_GPDetail_submit_csv" class="form-submit">

If anyone could help me out with a bit of code to click this, that'd be amazing!

Richard Lusch



This is a pretty good tutorial on the basics of Internet Explorer Automation. It got me an initial start.

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