Why is the IFS value removed from the file while splitting?

for line in $(cat "./newfiletoread")
do printf "${line}\n"

The file contents are as below: Hello there!How are you doing?How is life?Mine is as boring as a winter morning!

The code above splits the contents of the file when it comes across a '?' or '!' or '/n' which is nice. But, during the expansion the shell removes these characters from the file. The below is the output that I get.

Hello there 
How are you doing
How is life
Mine is as boring as a winter morning

I understand that it is how shell works by substituting these IFS values with spaces before the command executes. Is there a way to preserve these delimiter characters during the splitting? I would like to get my output like this one below:

Hello there! 
How are you doing?
How is life?
Mine is as boring as a winter morning!
glenn jackman

First, don't read the lines of a file with for

I read this somewhere about splitting strings: use split when you know what to throw away; use a regular expression when you know what you want to keep. Or something like that.

The problem with using shell word splitting using $IFS is that any char in that variable is used to split, and you can't know which one.

With bash, you can write:

line='Hello there! How are you doing? How is life? Mine is as boring as a winter morning!'
echo "$line"
Hello there"!
 How are you doing"?
 How is life"?
 Mine is as boring as a winter morning"!

Note the leading spaces. That can be worked around with a more complicated pattern: line=${line//\?*([[:blank:]])/$'"?\n'}

I would use sed instead:

line='Hello there! How are you doing? How is life? Mine is as boring as a winter morning!'
new=$( sed 's/[?!][[:blank:]]*/&\n/g' <<<"$line" )
echo "$new"
Hello there! 
How are you doing? 
How is life? 
Mine is as boring as a winter morning!

has a split() function that does let you capture the separators, but using it is pretty verbose:

echo "$line" | awk '{
    n = split($0, words, /[!?][[:blank:]]*/, seps)
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) 
        print words[i] seps[i]
    print words[n]}

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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