Installing MeteorJS in Amazon S3 Bucket


I currently manage Web App on a LAMP stack hosted with GreenGeeks. As it has scaled up, I have started learning MeteorJS on my local machine and am thinking about redeveloping the app in Meteor to support more concurrent connections. My questions are:

  • Can Meteor simply be hosted in a Simple Amazon S3 Bucket with no need for a stack of any kind? Is this smart? When something seems this simple, I get nervous.
  • Is Meteor as portable as it feels? Migrating a LAMP app from one server to another can be a real pain. This "feels" like it's as simple as zipping up the whole thing and simply dragging it anywhere. Again, feels too simple = nervous.
  • Is meteor the right choice if I am looking to maximize concurrent connections and reduce the number of times I need to go to the server for information? My app loads about 2 MB of data per user and I'd love a situation where this can be loaded once and the user has it available to interact with without going to the server (unless it changes).

Ok answers to your questions:

  • Well actually You can deploy your meteor app into an Amazon EC2 instance, the process is pretty easy, take a look to This video

  • Meteor is incredible portable, actually it was made with nodejs, therefore it inherits its features

  • You are in the right way, you know meteor is reactive, it acts in real time, also uses mongoDB, which is incredible faster than a regular SQL database, so in general meteor's performance is amazing, in fact, there are lots of packages that improve even more the performance of your app like this one and many others

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