Does Google Cloud Storage Bucket use Amazon S3?


I did set up a Google Cloud Storage Bucket with index.html and test.html and what I see, when I go to my domain:

See: in:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <ListBucketResult xmlns=''> 


I do not have amazon account.

Brandon Yarbrough

Despite that string being present in the namespace, the response to that request is not coming from AWS.

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) has two APIs. One is JSON-based and looks like most of Google's APIs (called the JSON API), and the other is XML-based and is designed to be interoperable with some cloud storage tools and libraries that work with S3. The idea is that, if you already use such a tool, such as the Python boto library, using GCS can be accomplished by changing the URL and credentials. Clients parsing XML responses likely validate XML namespaces, and so they expect to see something like the string "" as part of the protocol.

You're sending a request to the XML API (either via,, or via a CNAME DNS redirect to Cloud Storage) , and so the resulting message tries to provide an interoperable response.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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