How can I merge columns from two rows into a new row for mobile?


I have the below section on my website. I have 2 rows both with 3 cols each. on lg screens the cols are -6 each so the 3rd col is pushed on to a new separate row by its self.

I would like 1 of the cols from the second row to join the 3rd col(from the first row) which is now sitting alone on its own row. I'm not sure how to do this. Can anyone help?

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Siddharth Bhansali

Don't start a new row. Keep a single row, and put all your column code within it. The output will be 3 columns (x2) in xl, and will become 2 columns (x3) in lg. You might need to add a custom margin to all the elements of the col depending on the output you're getting.

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