How can I get rid of the warning import/no-anonymous-default-export in React?


I get the warning in the consle:"Assign object to a variable before exporting as module default import/no-anonymous-default-export."

This is coming from my .js functions which export several functions as default. I am not sure how to get rid of, while still being able to export several functions as default and keep the code simple as per below.

function init() {}

function log(error) {

export default {

I could write the file as:

export default function init() {}

export function log(error) {

Is there a setting I need to change, something I can do about it?


It's telling you to give the object being exported a name before exporting, to make it more likely that the name used is consistent throughout the codebase. For example, change to:

function init() {}

function log(error) {

const logger = {
export default logger;

(Give it whatever name makes most sense in context - logger is just an example)

But if you're going to export multiple things, using named exports would make a bit more sense IMO. Another option is to do:

export function init() {}

export function log(error) {

and then import them as:

import { init, log } from './foo.js';

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