Undefined property: stdClass::$Blanch


I Am getting this error

(Undefined property: stdClass::$Blanch)

While trying to call the relation data in blade {{$req->Blanch->name}}

I have created the function in model

public function Blanch()
    return $this->belongsTo(Blanch::class, 'branch_id', 'id');

I dont know what is missing anyone with idea can help

$req= DB::table('fuel_requests')

while in my model i have

protected $table = "fuel_requests"; 
protected $fillable = ['type', 'branch_id', 'car_id', 'pump_id','quantity', 'user_id', 'name', 'deadline', 'verified_by', 'approved_by', 'supplied_by', 'received_by', 'status']; 
M Khalid Junaid

The error you are getting for undefined property because you are not loading eloquent relation Blanch, try using with() on FuelRequest model

$req  = FuelRequest::with('Blanch')->get();

Not sure why you are using left joins when you are not selecting any columns from these table nor applying any filter or aggregation.

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