Scala repartition cannot resolve symbol


I am trying to save my dataframe aa parquet file with one partition per day. So trying to use the date column. However, I want to write one file per partition, so using repartition($"date"), but keep getting errors:

This error "cannot resolve symbol repartition" and "value $ is not a member of stringContext" when I use,


This error Type mismatch, expected column, actual string, when I use:


However, this works fine without any error.


Cant we use date type in repartition? Whats wrong here?


To use the $ symbol inplace of col(), you need to first import spark.implicits. spark here is an instance of a SparkSession, hence the import must be done after the creation of a SparkSession. A simple example:

val spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._

This import will also enable other functionallity such as converting RDDs to Dataframe of Datasets with toDF() and toDS() respectively.

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